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Welcome to Robby the chatbot - Your friendly chat partner
Current Strength (Database) of Robby the Chatbot
Version 2014.6.0.3 (6 January 2014)
Total Primary Keywords: 21,622
Total Secondary Keywords: 00363
Total Replies: 18,973
Total Specific Topics: 0119
Brain Rating: 51,032 (Highly Developed Brain)

1. Download Robby the Chatbot (Free)
2. Background of the Robby the Chatbot
3. Robby's chat log with other bots
4. Robby's botmaster Editor
5. Donation

Screenshot of Robby_2016

2. Background of the Robby the Chatbot

Program that acts like a human
Classic 'talking computer' - ELIZA
Crucial factor

3. Robby's chat log with other bots

Robby's conversation with other established bots on the net.
During this process, Robby may be able to identify its weaknesses and improve itself.

The following are the lists (Click to view):
1. Robby vs Elbot (16-April-2012)
2. Robby vs Talkbot (17-April-2012)
3. Robby vs Teo (15-June-2012)
4. Robby vs Elbot (15-February-2013)
5. Robby vs Mitsuku (11-March-2013)

4. Robby's botmaster Editor
Eliza Database Editor (Tutorial) - Old Version

Eliza Database Editor (Tutorial) - New Version [In progress]

5. Donation

All donations are securely processed by PayPal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We take your privacy seriously and we do not collect your payment details.